The Violet Fern

Creating Art & Gardens

Nice Driveway

Thank you for joining me in the making of my garden. This is the third section of my garden I began working also in the spring of 2009 (in conjunction with the Potager). I call it the Nice Driveway. (To learn the story of how I came to name the bed I created along my driveway and why we now frequently toast to our “Nice Driveway” among friends, please visit this previous post starring my favorite contractor.) To view a sequential slide show of the making of the Nice Driveway, simply click on the first image below. You will be taken to an enlarged viewing screen. Click the arrows on either side of each image to navigate, or use the arrows on your keyboard. (Please note the slideshow may not work properly on your mobile phone.)

Thank you for joining me in the making of my garden!